ABC Tag- I saw this on someones blog and I thought it would be fun!

A- Attached or Single? Single

B- Best Friends? My sisters, Mary, Angie, Kaylene

C- Cake or Pie? Pie, I hate cake

D- Day of Choice? Sunday, no work and get to go to church.

E- Essential Item? My alarm clock I would never make it to work without it.

F- Favorite Color? Red and pink

G- Gummy Bears or Worms? Worms

H- Hometown? Orem UT

I- Favorite Indulgence? Peanut M&Ms

J- January or July? July I hate the snow and love firewoks!!

K- Kids? Not yet

L- Life isn’t complete without? a fulfilling life full of joy and family

M- Marriage Date? Who knows???

N-Nigh or Morning person: Neither

O- Oranges or Apples? Oranges

P-Phobias? Noses, I think they are gross and people not washing their hands

Q-Quote? If you are confident you are beautiful

R- Reasons to smile? The Gospel and my family. My nieces and nephews!!

S- Season of choice- Summer. My birthday is in August and I love it to be hot!!

T- Tag 3 people. Jocelyn, Jana, Julie

U- Unknown fact about me? I love to shop at Robert's Craft and make things!!

V- Vegetable or Fruit? Fruit

W- Worst Habit? daydreaming

X- X-ray or Ultrasound? hmm well I had an x-ray on my teeth

Y- Your favorite food? Italian

Z- Zodiac Sign? Leo