Thursday, April 10, 2008

One Crazy Weekend

So I was pretty darn excited for last weekend!!! I was at work on Friday trying to get tickets to the Stadium of Fire and failed:( don't bring it up it is still a sore subject for me. I called my niece and she told me that grandpa was having a heart attack!!! What the freak?!?! which grandpa is it?!?! She told me it was my dad and so I balanced out and left work for the ER. Yes my dad had to go to the ER because he was having chest pains. When he got there they did some tests and didn't really think anything was wrong. My dad said that he was fine but the cardiologist thought differently. So on Saturday they did a procedure called an Angiogram which it where they take a little camera and look to see how your arteries are hold up. Well one of his major ones was 99% clogged so it is a good thing he went to the hospital because if he would have had a heart attack he would be with my mom. There is no survial rate with this type of heart attack as what the nurse told me. Scary but the cardiologist put a stint in his artery to open it up. He was released Sunday afternoon and is now back to work. It was one long weekend in the hospital but I am thankful that I still have one living parent!!! I was a little sad because I didn't get to do anything that I had planned this weekend but I got to spend some quality time at the hospital taking naps on love seats that are two feet too small:) Good times!!!


kellie and craig said...

I'm so glad everything worked out for you guys. Sorry, I deleted my thing off facebook cause I just didn't want to really be on there anymore... it's okay though cause we can still be blogging and texting buddies! Can you believe Michael Johns got voted off last night?

Jocelyn said...

I'm so happy he's okay. but seriously he better start taking better care right!