Monday, February 11, 2008

my purse

So Lisa totally tagged me and I had to dump out my purse for all to see. You know you can get to know a girl by what is in her purse. So here it is:) As you can see I absolutely love make-up. I have soo much lip glosses. Smelling good is always a bonus so I have to make sure I have some of that!!! Jewelry is a big part of my life I cannot lie. I LOVE it soo much. Normally if you see me I am wearing some type of jewelry. You should see my jewelry box. It is more like a stand and I am running out of room. I also have my gold wallet and some gum. I always have gum so you know who to ask if you are out!!! I love my purse!!! My cousin Angie gave it to me and it pretty much has everything a girl may need. I now get to tag people with this and I am going to choose all the girls on my blog. You know who you are:) Tiffany, Kellie, Jana, Jocelyn, Julie, Debbie and I think that is it!!! So you know the drill. Pull out your purse and dump it out and take a pic. Then you get to tag whomever you would like!!! Have fun:)


Julie said...

That was kind of fun! Thanks!

CHUNTZ said...

Gotta love the bag tag!