Thursday, July 1, 2010

Accounting 2010

So for some strange reason I felt the urge to go back to school...hmm weird huh?? Yeah I didn't really like school the first time and I am now remembering why!!! I just really don't like doing homework and reading textbooks. Sitting in class is fine but not being able to go out and play as much as I used to is just no fun. It is a little rewarding when I get the answers right but it is far and few between. Accounting is like learning another language and I had to take Spanish 1 twice in high school because I just couldn't grasp it, so we will see how the first test goes. I am praying for a C so if you remember pray for me too!! ha ha. I will have to study study and study more just to be able to learn the language but I can do it!! :) I have finished my first week of school and I only have 6 to go. So yeah I am once again a college student and get a cheaper rate at the dollar theater. Yeah baby!! If only I had time to go watch a movie...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are smart and you will be able to get through this! I know how much you love to play so I am proud of you and also kind of surprised you are taking a class (with homework and tests). haha Good luck girl!!